Celebrity Apprentice, Season 12 Ep. 6:
"Party Like a Mock Star"
On this week's episode, the contestants are given the task of throwing a Crystal Light "mocktail" party as part of a product launch. The corporate executives said the women's team flubbed on brand messaging: "Pomtini is a flavor offered in a variety of places. It was really important to nail that this was coming from Crystal Light."
Patricia Velásquez went home for failing to QC (quality control) the team's printed materials with the Project Manager.
- Patricia's perspective: "If Aubrey puts me in charge of brand messaging, she should trust me as a leader."
- Aubrey's comment: "Had Patricia checked in with her Project Manager and approved her job, we would have had [what we needed]. She did not show me everything."
Anyone who has worked with printed materials understands the importance of proofing documents. It's a huge "no-no" to QC your own work. Why? It's too easy to miss mistakes. If you do the work, someone else QC's it. It's that simple.
I don't understand why Patricia fails to get onboard with this concept, but the moment I saw her disregard the QC process, I knew she would go home. And she did. I believe Patricia deserved to go home for this critical mistake. Mr. Trump agrees. Do you?